PPG Minutes - December 2022





  1. Notes from last meeting
  2. Reception Area Improvements
  3. Face to face meetings with GPs – Patient Feedback
  4. Chronic illness – right to seen same GP whenever possible?
  5. Plan for staff to meet with PPG to talk about their roles:
    1. GPs
    2. pharmacists,
    3. practice nurses,
    4. health care assistants
    5. physiotherapists.
    6. advanced nurse practitioner’ - long term conditions
  6. Progress with the phone system – Patient Experience
  7. Doctor on duty – publicising role to patients
  8. Toenail cutting service – access
  9. Upgrading of Allerton Practice – additional resources
  10. Vaccination Plan
  11. Picture Board for all Staff
  12. Computer Training to use the on-line consultation system
  13. Meeting with Dr Hallgarten